Ever had one of those mornings? You wake up with the intention of having a positive outlook, reacting to things in a godly fashion, excited about the day, but before you finish blow drying your hair or even have a cup of coffee – things go downhill. Maybe it is an email you receive, maybe the disaster you found in the kitchen, maybe just the smallest thing or the largest, but suddenly, you find yourself in a place that is not happy, to say the least.
I was having one of those mornings. A combination of issues, large and small, starting mushrooming in my brain and by the time we pulled out of the driveway, I was in tears. Rob patiently listened all the way to his office, in spite of having much weightier matters on his own agenda, held my hand and assured me of his support. But I could not shake the cloud.
Often when I feel this way, writing is a way to process my thoughts and feelings. So, in my cloud, I began to think about taking some time to write. Writing is something that is often difficult for me at home. While the keys of the computer pull at my heart, the demands of 21st century life tend to pull at my mind. Distraction being a major issue for me, I have found that getting away somewhere, even if it is crowded or noisy, will often allow my brain the peace to focus on what I am writing.
One of my favorite spots I what I call my “McDonald’s office.” Pull into Mickey D’s and I can find coffee and Wifi, a great combination for getting some writing done. So knowing I had some time before my next destination, I stopped at McDonald’s to find some peace and maybe a little lift for my clouded spirit. I wanted to email a couple of friends to ask them to pray for me and search for some words from God for myself.
That’s when it happened. I went to the counter and saw a beautiful smiling lady named Amber. She greeted me warmly and asked what I wanted. I ordered my usual cup of coffee as I got out my billfold. She smiled and said, “Oh – then you don’t owe anything. Coffee before 9am is free.” Smiling again, she handed me my cup and wished me a nice day. And I heard His voice.
No, it was not audible. No, there were no bolts of lightning or choirs singing. But it was as real to me as any of those things. The voice of my Father said, “I see you. I know you are struggling. Your struggles matter to me. Enjoy your free cup of coffee. I love you.”
Some of you, by now, are definitely snickering. Right – a free cup of McDonald’s coffee is from God? But honestly, when was the last time you were struggling and just needed to know that someone larger than you, someone who was actually in a place to affect change for you and those you love, noticed your struggles? In those moments, what would you give for a real kernel of love and affection, peace and power? Sounds like a tall order, but that is exactly what God gave me in that cup of coffee.
Yes, I now understand that apparently McDonalds has a promotion this month giving away free coffee before 9am. Yes, my cup of coffee did not change one iota of any actual reality in any situation over which I was concerned. But here is my truth. I have a Father who loves me. And He hurts when I hurt. And just as I strive to “make it all better” when I see my children hurting, He reaches out in love to me.
Some will call it rationalization. Some will call it psychosis. Some will brush it off as another blogger sharing too much of the boring details of their daily life. But some will look beyond and see a Father that loves me and how about that – might just love them as much too. Which “some” will you be today?
Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress,
I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5-6 (NIV)
1 comment:
On the way to "She Speaks" last year I pulled off the highway to use the restroom. I was having one of those kinds of days. I was seeking God's face and pouring out my heart to Him while on the road. Where I pulled off was in a very small town that only had sit down restaurants. I decided to go in a restaurant to use their bathroom instead of a gas station and thought I would order a tea to go. When I came out of the bathroom, I asked the waitress how much I owed for the tea; she smiled and said, "No charge honey." I felt the same way that you did-that all though small-it was a sweet gift from my heavenly father letting me know He was listening, He cared, and He was at work.
Have a wonderful Monday!
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