Monday, May 7, 2012


Sometimes, I still miss her so much it takes my breath away. It has been almost thirteen years since God allowed my mom to lay down her battle with the monstrous disease of scleroderma and go home to be with Him. Though I would not have wanted her to suffer even one day longer, I still shed tears of loss.

I cry because I wish she could hug David and tell him how proud she is of the amazing man that he has become. I cry because I wish she could know our precious Brittany. I cry because she is not here to say, “I told you not to count that Mark out,” when I brag about the man he is today. And I cry that she will not be able to watch Libby don her cap and gown next month.

In the midst of my tears though, I have so much to be crazy thankful about. I am grateful for:

a momma who loved me every single day of our life together, even when I know she wanted to strangle me sometimes

a seamstress who spent hours making my clothes on the Singer machine that Libby now treasures

a woman’s whose amazing impact on me is so much of who I am as a mom, a mother-in-law, a mentor to young moms and a woman

memories of laughter together

thoughts of the days when we shared Taco Bell

each of my babies getting to know and remember their Gram

the way she loved my Daddy

the way she loved God

the way she taught me to love God

that she no longer hurts or suffers, but rests in the arms of Jesus

Momma, I miss you. But I will be ever thankful, to you and to Jesus, for the many gifts you gave – and continue to give –to me.

Happy Mother’s Day.


lcarter said...

Oh, wow, Bettina! There should have been a kleenex alert! It was the picture that hit me. I can remember standing on the steps of SDBC with my family and yours right after they got you and they were SO PROUD and happy. Your mom was such a special friend to my mom. While Mom had 3 ladies she ran around with in her later years, none took your mother's place. And then for her to die on Mom's birthday. So bittersweet. Hard to believe my mom will be gone 10 years this summer.
Terri's youngest boys graduated from college Saturday. While the absence of our loved ones hits on those occasions, it's the sudden moments when you think - I'll call Mom and ask her - and then realize you can't - that hurt the most.

Where is Libby going to college?

Good to "see" and "hear" from you.

Love, Lynda

Nancy said...

A wonderful post and tribute to your Mom.

(I found your blog through Dee's blog and will be back to read more.)

Simple stories girl said...

Thanks for your kind words Nancy. Glad you stopped by. Please stop back by.